We, the undersigned, wishing to secure for ourselves the pleasures and benefits of the association of persons commonly interested in Amateur Radio, constitute ourselves the, THE DRUMLINS AMATEUR RADIO CLUB LTD. and enact the following as our BY-LAWS:
Definition: “Corporation” and “Club” are interchangeable in this document.
A) All persons interested in amateur radio communication shall be eligible for membership.
B) Membership shall consist of three (3) types:
- Full (must show valid license)
- Associate (non licensed)
- Member at Large (any member in good standing who has changed permanent resident to a location outside New York state.)
C) Application for membership shall:
- be accompanied by annual dues.
- Include a copy of a valid FCC amateur license if applicable.
D) Each applicant must express a willingness to abide by the by-laws.
Article 2: OFFICERS
A) The officers of this corporation shall be:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Program Chairman
B) The officers of this corporation shall be elected for a term of one (1) year, by a majority vote of the members, present at the annual meeting in October.
C) The Officers term of office shall coincide with the fiscal year.
D) Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by a special election at the first regular meeting following the withdrawal or resignation of the officer.
E) An officer may be removed by a three-fourths vote of the members present at a meeting, provided a 30 day prior notice has been given.
A) The board of directors shall consist of:
- The five elected officers plus,
- Three members at-large,
- The club license trustee(s).
B) Three directors shall be elected to a one, two, or three year term of office.
C) Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by a special election, at the fist regular meeting following the withdrawal or resignation of the board member.
D) A board member may be removed by a three-fourths vote of the members present at a meeting, provided a thirty day prior notice has been given.
E) The Board of Directors shall conduct and transact all business of the club including financial decisions. If three or more members of the Board challenge any Board decision, or 25% of the
members present at the nearest prior meeting, the matter shall go before the general membership at a regular or special meeting.
A) The President shall:
- preside at all meetings of this club.
- conduct all meetings according to the rules adopted.
- enforce due observance of these by-laws.
- decide all questions of order.
- sign all official documents that are adopted by the club.
- appoint chairman to all standing and special committees.
- perform all other customary duties pertaining to the office of president.
B) The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the absent of the President.
C) The Secretary shall:
- keep a record of the proceedings of all regular and board meeting minutes.
- keep a roll call of the monthly meeting attendees.
- receive applications for membership and forward to the membership committee.
- keep the by-laws and seal of the corporation.
- cause all amendments, changes and additions to be noted in the by-laws.
- shall permit the by-laws to consulted by the members upon request.
D) The Treasurer shall:
- receive and receipt for all monies paid to the club.
- keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended.
- maintain bank account(s) in the Corporations name for payment of bills incurred by the Corporation.
- pay no bills without proper authorization as given by the Board of Directors.
- present a treasurer’s report at each Board of Directors meeting, approved by a majority vote of the members present.
- In addition to the treasurer, the club shall have at minimum one additional member of the Board of Directors on the bank account as an authorized signature.
E) The Program Chairman shall:
- be responsible for the clubs meeting monthly program.
F) Each outgoing officer shall pass all corporation property pertaining to the office, to his successor.
Article 5: MEETINGS
A) Regular meetings shall be held each calendar month at such place as the president shall order.
B) Special meetings may be called by the president or the board of directors upon request of several members.
C) Notice shall be given to members concerning Special meetings and the business to be transacted. Notice is to be given not less than 24 hours prior to special meeting.
D) At regular and special meetings, a minimum of one officer and 50% of the average attendance of the last three meetings shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Once a quorum is established it is not broken by the subsequent withdrawal of any member.
E) Board of Directors meetings shall be held at minimum quarterly on the Monday of the week prior to the club’s regular monthly meeting.
Article 6: DUES
A) Dues shall be established annually by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors. Should the Board be unable to set dues, the vote shall be made by a majority of the voting members present at a Regular meeting.
- Assessments shall be established by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors for purpose of raising funds from members outside the annual Dues for a specific purpose.
- Non-payment of Dues or Assessment(s) shall be cause for suspension or expulsion from the Club, within discretion of the Board of Directors or Membership.
- The Board may exempt payment of Dues or Assessments for a member whom payment would be a hardship.
A) These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a meeting.
B) Proposals for amendments shall be submitted at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next regular meeting provided members have been notified of the intent to amend the by-laws at
said meeting.
Article 8: RULES
A) Ordinarily “Roberts Rules of Order” shall govern proceedings, unless suspended by a majority vote of the members present, at which time simplified Parliamentary Procedure shall be followed.
A) The Standing Committees are:
- Repeater Committee
- Membership and Public Relations Committee
- Public Service/ARES, Activities and Awards Committee
- Hamfest Committee
- Volunteer Examiner Committee
B) Committee Structure
- The President shall appoint the Chairman of each committee.
- Each Committee chairman may select 2-5 members to participate in said Committee.
- Committees shall meet at least every 6 months, or as often as needed. A written report of the
- Committee Chairman appointments shall be made at the First Regular meeting of the Fiscal
- Committee chairman will catalog and maintain records of club equipment and property including activity of each meeting shall be kept and forwarded to the Secretary before the next Board of Directors meeting.
Year. Each Chairman shall appoint members to their respective committee as needed, but each position shall be reviewed at the beginning of each Fiscal Year.
receipts and operating manuals for items under the control of that committee.
A. Only corporation members who hold a valid Amateur Radio License and dues are current shall be eligible to vote.
Article 11: FISCAL YEAR
A) The fiscal year shall begin on January 1 of each year.
A) The seal of the corporation shall be circular in form, shall contain the name of the corporation and shall bear the words “Corporate Seal of N.Y.”.
- Any member having a grievance against another member of the corporation may present his/her case, in writing, to the Board of Directors (or to any member of the Board).
- The accused shall be notified and presented copy of the grievance. The accused shall have an opportunity to respond.
- Two members of the Board will meet with the parties and make an attempt to mediate and resolve the difference(s).
- If the two Board members can’t find a resolution, they shall report their findings to the Board of Directors. The Board shall determine by a majority vote as to the suspension or expulsion of a member. If the Board can’t reach a majority agreement, or if three or more Board members request, then a majority vote of the membership at a regular meeting shall determine suspension or expulsion of the accused member.
- A suspended member shall not be entitled to attend any corporation activities for a time determined by the Board or general membership if involved in the vote.
- An Expelled member shall not be entitled to a refund of past dues or assessments.
- The Repeater Chairman shall appoint two to five members including two technically capable corporation members to the Repeater Committee. The Trustee of the Repeater(s) shall also be a member of the Repeater Committee (if that person is also not chairman).
- The Repeater Committee shall be responsible for the proper construction, maintenance and operation of the Repeater(s), and shall file a report of it’s meetings to the Secretary by the next Board of Directors meeting. (A “work site” operation will not be considered a meeting unless business is taken up at that time)
- Any major changes to the Repeater(s), such as additional equipment, location, frequency or any major expenditure requested by the Repeater Committee will be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. If three or more members of the Board challenge the decision, or 25% of the members present at the nearest prior meeting, the matter shall go before the general membership at a regular or special meeting.
- Minor changes and expenditures (under two hundred dollars per month) shall be left to the discretion of the committee with notice of any expenditure given to the treasurer for record keeping.
- An emergency expenditure exceeding two hundred dollars can be approved by the BOD.
- The Repeater Chairman shall ensure that a working log of any and all changes to each repeater is maintained at each repeater site.
- The Station Trustee will serve as control operator of the Repeater(s).
- The RACES Radio Officer (RO) and ARES Emergency Coordinator (EC) will be member(s) of the Repeater Committee and may be the same individual.
- The RO and EC will be the official interface between RACES and ARES.
- The Repeater Committee will catalog and track all Corporation communications equipment and property. Records of purchases, etc should be maintained by the Secretary.
Per FCC Law, the trustee(s) are responsible for ensuring the equipment is functioning within FCC guidelines and must have accessibility to the equipment.
The Drumlins EMCOMM ARC shall be under the auspices of the Drumlins ARC (Note: The FCC requires that 1 call be used per trustee.)
- Members will be deemed to be “notified” when a Notice is published on the Website, or an electronic communication is sent to those members who have current email addresses on file with the corporation.
- The Board of Directors may set a reasonable fee for the printing and mailing of material to any member who requests items by mail.
These By-laws are deemed to be correct and up to date.
Reviewed by appointed Committee.
AB2F, N2COJ, N2CMA, N2IJM, and WA2SOK Chairman. Date: 8/02/89
KC2TNJ, WD2STK, KB2KBY, KC2TCM, KB2ROP Date Amended: 8/17/11
KC2YGH, K2MPE, WD2STK, N2ZVP, KC2TCM, KB2KBY Date Amended: 03/18/2015